Video: "The Shield of Faith" by Alistair Begg
Because the evil one desires to undermine the spiritual stability of all who follow Christ, Paul exhorted the believers in Ephesus to take up the shield of faith. The darts that Satan aims at Christians are subtle, varied, and deadly, so Alistair Begg urges us to follow Paul’s instruction by trusting in the Gospel personally, consistently, and corporately. The enemy is fierce and relentless, but Christ has triumphed and His victory is ours.
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Video: "Leaders in the Local Church" By Alistair Begg
Since a church will not progress beyond its leadership, appointing elders is a vital task that requires a clear understanding of Christian doctrine. As shepherds of the flock, elders work together to assure that God’s Word is taught, God’s Son is honored, and God’s people are edified. Alistair Begg explains that biblical eldership is pastoral, plural, spiritual, and accountable: diverse in giftedness and function, elders are accountable to God as they share the privileges and responsibilities of leadership.
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Video: "Gospel Shoes" by Alistair Begg
Just as no soldier would enter battle without shoes, so Paul reminds those in the army of God to put on the Gospel of peace as shoes for our feet. Jesus Christ is our peace, and only on Him will we stand securely. Alistair Begg demonstrates how these “Gospel shoes” give us stability to remain firm in the faith, mobility to go and proclaim Christ, and adaptability to the needs of others for the sake of Christ.
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Video: "The Breastplate of Righteousness" by Alistair Begg
Before engaging in battle, a wise warrior dons appropriate armor, including the breastplate that shields vital organs. But battle armor is only for those who have enlisted in the cause. Alistair Begg urges us to consider whether we are soldiers of the cross, entrusting ourselves entirely to Christ on the basis of His finished work. The righteousness that guards our hearts is not earned through our performance, but imputed to us by grace through faith in Jesus. When buffeted by Satan’s arrows of doubt, fear, and disappointment, we can resist by continuing to trust the Gospel, confident that our standing before God has been secured.
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Video: "The Belt of Truth" by Alistair Begg
Recognizing that union with Christ brings conflict with the devil, Paul urged his readers to put on the armor of God. In this message, we focus on the belt of truth, which secures all that might impede our readiness for battle. As the evil one schemes to raise doubts about God and His Word, Alistair Begg reminds us that the Gospel is our ultimate armor. Confident in Christ’s victory at the cross, we can stand firm against Satan’s attacks.
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Video: "Be Strong, Stand Firm" by Alistair Begg
Defeated but not yet destroyed, Satan is still working to spoil the relationships and the righteousness of God’s children. Writing to the Ephesians, Paul gave two imperatives for Christians as we engage in conflict against the devil: be strong and stand fast. Alistair Begg helps listeners understand that our strength comes from the grace of God through the promises of the Gospel. Resting in the knowledge of Christ’s victory over Satan, we can stand firm in the faith God has given us as we face the attacks of the enemy.
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Video: "A Call to Battle" by Alistair Begg
At the end of his letter to the Ephesians, Paul called his readers to arms against the devil. This conclusion isn’t an afterthought, but the logical consequence of God’s purposes worked out among His people. Alistair Begg addresses the reality that Satan is a personal and powerful being who, though defeated, continues to act with his agents to oppose God. When men and women are united to Christ, they become Satan’s enemies and the objects of his opposition to God’s plan to unite all things together in Christ Jesus.
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Video: "Remember!" By Alistair Begg
The author of Ecclesiastes examined the dead-end streets that men and women travel, exposing the futility of a world without God, before concluding with a most important plea: “Remember your Creator.” Alistair Begg helps us understand this plea to abandon self-sufficiency in light of the grim picture of our certain physical decline. When we find our purposeful delight in fearing God, this reverential awe banishes all other fears and draws us to our Father with certainty that Christ has provided a way for us to know Him and to rest confidently in His salvation.
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Video: "Spiritual Warfare, Part One" by Alistair Begg
Jesus secured salvation for all believers when He defeated Satan at the cross. Until Christ returns, however, spiritual warfare rages on in this world and should not be easily dismissed. In His mercy, God has provided the armor by which we can withstand such fierce opposition. In this overview of God’s protective provision, Alistair Begg exhorts us to resist Satan’s accusations, look outside ourselves to Christ, and recall the truth that in Christ, we already have the victory. [Part Two]
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Video: "Spiritual Warfare, Part Two" by Alistair Begg
Every believer dwells in the spiritual realm and will encounter battle with our adversary, the devil, until Christ’s return. Alistair Begg urges us to remain alert to Satan’s subtle, fiery darts, and outlines a practical strategy to employ in the midst of the struggle. As students of God’s Word, we can persevere—conscious of our weakness, but strong in the Lord; resolute because of His goodness; and with every confidence in our unity with the One who reigns victorious. [Part One]
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