Video: "Wholehearted Obedience" by Alistair Begg

Man’s chief end is “to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.” By nature, we don’t do that, but the Gospel creates within our hearts a longing to do the good works that God has prepared for us. Within the workplace, this change is evidenced by transformed relationships and transformed work. Alistair Begg reminds us that the Christian standard for employees requires sincere, wholehearted obedience. When we realize that all of our work is done for Christ, it reorients our perspective from our own performance to the glory of God.

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Topics: From the Archives

Video: "Wholehearted Service" by Alistair Begg

The Gospel breaks down barriers that separate individuals in the world. When Paul instructed redeemed masters, for example, he reminded them that as brothers and sisters in Christ, masters and bondservants stood equal before God. Alistair Begg teaches that the same holds true for Christian employers and employees today. Regardless of job status, they ultimately serve and answer to an impartial God. Rather than bully those under their supervision, Christian employers should extend grace to their employees without qualification, transforming threats into encouragement.

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Topics: From the Archives

Video: "Bondservants and Masters" by Alistair Begg

When Paul addressed the work relationships of his day in his letter to the Ephesians, he was not driven by social or political reform but by the Gospel; theologically, he could not detract from the priority of the message of Jesus Christ. Alistair Begg reminds us that the church’s calling is not to change the culture but to share the only thing that can change the human heart: the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Topics: From the Archives

Video: "A Word to Fathers, Part Two" by Alistair Begg

In Ephesians 6, the Apostle Paul provides instruction on how children should be raised, but it’s not a short-term fix: Biblical parenting requires a pattern of discipline and instruction, carried out in the Lord and shaped by His loving discipline. Alistair Begg helps us understand Scripture’s imperatives to nurture tenderly, discipline biblically, and instruct purposefully. Parenting at its best will be shaped by the Gospel and motivated by the desire to see our children know, love, and follow Christ.

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Topics: From the Archives

Video: "The Discipline of the Father" by Alistair Begg

We might be tempted to associate “the discipline of God” with our earthly fathers, but men at their best are marked by flawed motives and imperfect methods. Alistair Begg encourages us to remember that God’s discipline is perfect: He disciplines His children through trials, in love and wisdom, so that we will be conformed to the image of the Lord Jesus. We should not respond to His discipline with careless indifference or give into the temptation to be overwhelmed by our difficulties. Instead, recognizing that God disciplines us as His beloved children, we can entrust ourselves to the wisdom of His purposes and grow to maturity in Christ.

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Topics: From the Archives

Video: "A Word to Fathers, Part One" By: Alistair Begg

Paul instructed fathers not to provoke their children to anger, assuming parental authority, but appealing for its restraint. Reminding us that children ultimately belong God, Alistair Begg warns parents of certain pitfalls that are likely to exasperate their children and incite responses of bitterness and resentment. The responsibility of biblical parenting is impossible apart from the grace and wisdom of God the Father, who provides the ultimate example in the love and grace He demonstrates toward His children.

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Topics: From the Archives

2018 Good Friday: “Christ's Atoning Work” by Alistair Begg

Christians don’t gather on Good Friday for a funeral, but to reflect on the victory that Christ achieved on the cross. Alistair Begg explains that Jesus willingly offered himself as the only sacrifice that could secure redemption by paying the penalty for sin. Because of Christ’s completed work, our consciences are cleansed, and we are set free to serve God with the assurance that He is faithful.

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Topics: From the Archives

2018 Easter Video: "Jesus in 3D" by Alistair Begg

When we think of a king, we don’t usually picture a man riding on a donkey, hanging on a cross, or lying in a tomb. Each represents a scene from Jesus’ life, however, and Alistair Begg describes how they fulfilled prophecy and led to redemption from sin for all who believe. Even in His death and resurrection, the responses to Jesus were mixed, and it is the same today. Unless God softens our hearts to see our sin and need of a Savior, we will only view Jesus as an unwelcome intruder.

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Topics: From the Archives

Was Jesus' Burial the End? (6 of 7)

In the wake of Jesus' death, the actions of those who came to claim his body revealed their hearts: as far as they were concerned, the Jesus movement was all fizzled out. As Jesus was buried, though, a few faithful disciples watched and waited. Join with Alistair Begg as we look on to see the memory of this dispiriting burial soon replaced by a glorious hope.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, From the Archives

Video: "Refuge in the King" by Alistair Begg

Who really rules the world? A cacophony of angry voices surrounds us, but from God’s perspective, mankind’s boasting is utterly ridiculous. Alistair Begg examines the hostility of man in the face of God’s sovereignty, the Father’s decree of the anointed Lordship of Christ, and the futility of rejecting His reign. The Gospel both woos and warns us: Jesus is coming again, and the only way to flee God’s wrath is to take refuge in His mercy, provided in the gift of His Son.

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