The Pattern for a Husband’s Love

When it comes to the quality of their marriages, many husbands have become experts at comparing themselves to others. Christian husbands especially may be tempted to look at the way the world operates and think, “I am affectionate and faithful, a leader and a provider, as the Scriptures say I should be. I’m glad I’m getting it right!”

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Is It Right for a Wife to Submit to Her Husband?

In our time and place, the apostolic commands that wives submit to their husbands (Eph. 5:22; Col. 3:18; 1 Peter 3:1) have become some of the biggest stumbling blocks in the Scriptures. Many Christians in a Western context find it hard to square these verses with their convictions about women’s rights and equality—convictions that are indeed born of a biblical worldview, even if most have now “emancipated” themselves from it. People today ask, “How can a woman value herself and her dignity at the same time that she chooses to submit to her husband?”

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How the Old Testament Sets the Stage for the New

If we want to understand our calling as God’s people, we cannot be merely “New Testament Christians.” A Christian who only reads the New Testament is like someone who walks into the second act of a two-act play.

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“Not My Will, but Yours”: How to Pray like Jesus

Jesus’ prayer on the eve of His crucifixion is given in a familiar account. One phrase is particularly striking: “Not my will, but yours” (Luke 22:42). These five words demonstrate the Son’s submission to the Father—a heart disposition essential to all proper prayer.

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The Neglected Task of Persuasive Preaching

Preaching isn’t popular. W. E. Sangster, writing in mid-twentieth-century Britain, remarked, “Preaching is in the shadows. The world does not believe in it.”1 If he were around today, he might have broadened his observation to include not only secular society but the church also.

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Understanding the Role of Elders in the Local Church

At the end of his first epistle, after addressing matters such as holiness, submission, and suffering, the apostle Peter turns his attention to shepherding in the local church.

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Could Paul Have Been Ashamed of the Gospel?

At the beginning of his correspondence to the Roman church, in Romans 1:16, Paul says something that is surprising in its implications: “I am not ashamed of the gospel.”

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