“The Old, Old Story” That Never Gets Old

For those in vocational ministry, there can be something unappealing about the basics. After all, many of us are educated, well-read, and (if only on our best days) reasonably thoughtful. We want to be able to demonstrate an advanced understanding of the material we’re preaching and teaching. People may begin to wonder why we are in the pulpit if we don’t offer some unique insight, some intriguing idea. Why should we need to tell them again and again what the text plainly says?

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The Strength of Weakness and the Weakness of Strength

One the great tyrannies of our age is the lie that we will be most useful when we are as strong as we can be. We tell ourselves that God wants us to conquer all our challenges, to overcome the Evil One in frontal assault, to have our family and church and neighbors look to us and say, “Now there’s a strong servant of the Lord!”

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Lessons from a Former Demoniac — Extraordinary Encounters with Jesus

The Bible is a book about Jesus. While we certainly should read our Bibles with personal application in mind, we must ultimately ask, “Where is Jesus in this passage?”

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Comfort for Those Who Are Doubting God’s Presence

Writing in Psalm 139, David asks several thought-provoking questions. Having already marveled at the fact that God knows everything (vv. 1–6), he probes further: “Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence?” (v. 7). In other words, David asks whether a believer can hide from God. “Can I find an escape route,” the psalmist wonders, “from the God who searches me and knows everything about me?” It’s a question that deserves our attention.

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The Woman at the Well — Extraordinary Encounters with Jesus

John 4 is a remarkable account. In the previous chapter, Jesus engages the religious professional Nicodemus (John 3:1–15). But in chapter 4, Jesus talks with a woman at the opposite end of that spectrum—a religious, social, and moral outsider. Strikingly, the friend of sinners crosses the established social boundaries in order to show Himself to be the Savior of the world.

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Learning Humility from Christ’s Humiliation

Philippians 2:5–11 is one of the Bible’s great passages on Christ’s person and work. Writing to the first-century church in Philippi, the apostle Paul urged believers toward unity in the Gospel message (1:27). Though the apostle’s letter isn’t primarily a theological treatise, he nevertheless grounded his call in the deep doctrines of Jesus’ identity.

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7 Bible Verses about the Trinity: God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

“In the unity of the Godhead there be three Persons of one substance, power, and eternity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. The Father is of none, neither begotten nor proceeding; the Son is eternally begotten of the Father; the Holy Ghost eternally proceeding from the Father and the Son.”

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Mark 2 and the Paralytic’s Greatest Need — Extraordinary Encounters with Jesus

In 2013, the Wall Street Journal published an article titled “Is Smart Making Us Dumb?” The writer reasoned that technology and technological advancement might be able to fix human behavior in a broken world.

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Five Gifts God Gives All His Children

In the 1960s, a deviant religious group called, among other things, the Children of God emerged from California. The group’s declaration was essentially this: “We are revolutionary Christian nomads, bypassing the hopeless, unresponsive older generation and churchy people and bringing new-time religion to a new-time generation.” They quickly spread their bizarre, blasphemous teachings, becoming global in their evangelism. Ironically, though, the very group which suggested that they of all people understood what it was to be a child of God didn’t bear the marks of authentic faith at all. Their claims were based in error rather than truth.

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