Laughter and Kindness Are Keys in Marriage
Topics: Monthly Resources, Articles
What Makes for a Successful Marriage?
While a witty romantic comedy may make for casual date night material, the characters and plotlines probably don’t provide the most suitable examples for what to look for or expect in a spouse or marriage.
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Why Attitude Matters in Marriage
Manufactured fairy tales with happy endings, newspaper headlines bearing bleak statistics, absurd magazine photo spreads of celebrity courtships—all compete for our attention. But none of these accurately portrays God’s lasting design for relationships and marriage. And the Bible gives very clear insight as to what marriage ought to be.
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What to Look for in a Spouse
Marriage is an important decision in life. Alistair Begg has given a list of important qualities to look for in a spouse for those dating. He goes more in depth on each quality in the message "Relationships" and in his book "Lasting Love."
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