Video: "Faithfulness" by Alistair Begg
When Paul wrote of faithfulness as part of the fruit of the Spirit, he meant fidelity and trustworthiness toward God and toward others. Faithfulness is revealed in the character of God, exemplified in the Son of God, and cultivated in the lives of God’s children. Though the surrounding culture is rapt with unfaithfulness, Christians are to live differently. Alistair Begg exhorts listeners to pursue faithfulness by first acknowledging that we lack it and then humbly asking God to grow it in our lives.
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Video: "Kindness & Goodness" By Alistair Begg
What is God like? The Bible describes two aspects of His character in His dealings with mankind: that God is good and that He is kind. In this message, Alistair Begg helps us understand how a believer’s actions toward others are to reflect the character of Christ Who dwells within us. As the Holy Spirit grows His fruit within our hearts, the kindness and goodness we increasingly demonstrate will draw others toward the Gospel.
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Video: "Patience" By Alistair Begg
Bible history repeatedly displays God’s patience toward His children, and in Galatians 5:22, Paul included patience as an element of the fruit of the spirit. Alistair Begg discusses the definition, development, and demonstration of patience made manifest in the lives of God’s children. By God’s faithful pursuit and provision, we are conformed to the image of His Son so that a watching world can see the wonder of His amazing love.
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Today's Worldview - No Place for Absolute Truth
Watch Alistair Begg's message from the 2015 Ligonier Conference, "No Place for Truth".
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Video: "Where God Lives" by Alistair Begg
Though we were once alienated from God, those who have been reconciled to Him will also be transformed by him. Alistair Begg reminds us that when we come to faith in Christ we become citizens of God’s Kingdom, members of His family, and stones in His temple. As we live out our new identity in Christ, our concern should be for the kingdom instead of our own interests. We bear with one another because we have the same Father, and we display the reality that God is building a people for Himself from every tribe and nation.
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Video: "Peace in a Hostile World" by Alistair Begg
In a world marked by division and enmity, a longing for harmony is not uncommon. Writing to the Ephesians, Paul addressed the world’s need for peace by identifying how the barriers that exist between people can be abolished. Alistair Begg conveys Paul’s message that true peace is found nowhere else but in the person of Jesus Christ. Through the cross we have been given access to God, and as His followers we are called to demonstrate to the world the peace that is ours in Christ.
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Download Alistair Begg's Ligonier Message “Preservation of the Saints” for Free
Listen to Alistair Begg's message from the 1997 Ligonier Conference "Preservation of the Saints"
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Video: "Frail as Summer's Flowers" by Alistair Begg
People are uncomfortable talking or even thinking about death, yet it will happen to each of us at some point. Teaching from Psalm 90, Alistair Begg contrasts our brief lives with God's eternity and reminds us that we die because we rebel against His righteous ways. How can we prepare to meet a holy God? Only by trusting in the provision He has made in Christ. As believers rest in His mercy and grace, we gain wisdom to number our days aright.
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What Does the Bible Say about Spiritual Gifts?
What does the Bible say about spiritual gifts? How are we to use our gifts within the body of Christ? Listen or download these sermons by Alistair Begg about spiritual gifts.
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Video: "Saved By Grace" by Alistair Begg
The reality of all that God has done for us in Christ Jesus should cause us to ponder why God would shower His blessings on undeserving sinners. The Apostle Paul wrote that God's reasons are based in His character of love, mercy, grace, and kindness. In this message, Alistair Begg explores these motivations and teaches that, just as we rely on God's grace for our salvation, we must also depend on His grace to empower us to obey and follow him day by day.
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