The Neglected Task of Persuasive Preaching

Preaching isn’t popular. W. E. Sangster, writing in mid-twentieth-century Britain, remarked, “Preaching is in the shadows. The world does not believe in it.”1 If he were around today, he might have broadened his observation to include not only secular society but the church also.

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Understanding the Role of Elders in the Local Church

At the end of his first epistle, after addressing matters such as holiness, submission, and suffering, the apostle Peter turns his attention to shepherding in the local church.

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Could Paul Have Been Ashamed of the Gospel?

At the beginning of his correspondence to the Roman church, in Romans 1:16, Paul says something that is surprising in its implications: “I am not ashamed of the gospel.”

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What Is a Christian?

There are many notions about what it means to be a Christian. Many think they understand the term, yet many also mean different things by it. For some it’s a matter of family history: “I grew up in the church.” For others it means someone who lives by the Golden Rule, ascribes to certain political views, goes to church, or simply chose to identify that way at a particular point in time—perhaps by going to the front of a church during an altar call.

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Giving as Worship: How and Why the Corinthians Gave to the Church in Jerusalem

What does it mean to be godly? Far from some remote, disengaged experience, much of the Christian life involves practical obedience. Godliness in Scripture wears working clothes, so to speak. Chapter after chapter, God’s Word confronts men and women with essential issues, impressing on our hearts the urgency of living as those made new in Christ.

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The Expository Pulpit: A Reminder from Puritan Jeremiah Burroughs

R. J. Coates and J. I Packer once wrote, “A well-worn Bible is an impressive if not a beautiful sight.”1 Faithful Christian living is largely a matter of looking to God’s Word and humbly submitting to what we hear and see there. This is the reason the mission of Truth For Life is “to teach the Bible with clarity and relevance.” We believe that God has ordained that by means of biblical teaching and preaching, “unbelievers will be converted, believers will be established, and local churches will be strengthened.”

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Peace in a Hostile World

Though he died in 1980, John Lennon’s music remains influential. His lyrics from the song “Imagine” have become a kind of contemporary mantra:

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10 Bible Verses about Giving

Acts 20:35

“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

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