“No Longer a Slave, but a Son”: The Gospel in Galatians 4

Often in the New Testament, the apostles manage to summarize the beauty of the Gospel in only a few words. When they do, they give us ideal passages for meditation and memorization, and they provide us fuel for evangelism.

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Why We Worship: Psalm 8 and the Foundation for Praise

We live in a largely self-absorbed world, and with that self-absorption inevitably comes a low view of God. While it’s not incapable of occasional flashes of altruism, ultimately, fallen humanity is imprisoned inside its own ego. Rather than living to the praise of God’s glory, we live to the praise of our own.

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What Is the Church (and Who’s in It)?

What is the church? For many, the word church conjures up images of steepled buildings, stodgy services, and stuffy men in collars. It is an object of mistrust for others, full of cruel hypocrites. For some, it’s a hobby that some people enjoy to little consequence—“all so harmless, so gentle, so proper.”1 For others still, it’s simply bizarre.

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The Fundamentals and Functions of the Pastor-Teacher

Albert Mohler once stated, “The Christian pastor holds the greatest office of human responsibility in all creation.” Yet of all the high positions one can fill in society—a member of Congress, a golf professional, a cardiothoracic surgeon, etc.—the pastorate wouldn’t even make the top ten in most people’s minds. Is the designation “greatest office … in all creation” an apt description or hyperbole?

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Can I Trust My Local Church?

The word cult describes a manipulative and dangerous religious group. Cults usually appeal to the dissatisfied, fearful, and vulnerable. They draw people into their scope by offering expectancy in a hopeless world, identity in an anonymous world, and security in an unstable world.

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Four Words That Should Describe Christian Citizenship

When Titus was pastoring the church in Crete, he received these instructions from Paul about his congregation: “Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people” (Titus 3:1–2).

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Don’t Skirt the Edge of the Narrow Way

If we are going to maintain a passion for purity, we need to determine to live our lives in the center of the narrow way and not on the edge.

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What Is True Religion?

Growing up, many of us were told to avoid two topics in polite conversation: politics and religion. If we’re going to be successful in social situations, some say, then we ought to steer clear of these taboo subjects.

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“Render to Caesar”: Christ’s Call to Think Beyond Politics

In political debates, there is such a thing a “gotcha” question—something asked only to coerce the person being questioned into saying something that could potentially damage his or her reputation. The tactic isn’t new. In fact, it’s at least as old as the New Testament writings. In the Gospel of Mark, for example, we read of a group of religious and political leaders who approached Jesus and asked Him, “Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not? Should we pay them, or should we not?” (12:14).

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Why Church Membership Matters


Certain questions are crucial to the Christian faith: How does someone become a Christian? What do Christians believe? How should Christians behave? The Bible provides clear answers to each. But there’s another question, often overlooked, that’s equally crucial and to which the Bible gives sure guidance. It’s this: Where does a Christian belong? The question raises the issue of church membership.

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