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Blog The Significant Impact of Truthpartners

The Significant Impact of Truthpartners

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Our translation partners visiting last month.

Dear Friend,

It happened again last week when I was speaking at a function in Denver: several people introduced themselves to me as Truthpartners. It gave me the opportunity to thank them and let them know the significant impact their partnership is having not only in the US but also around the world.

It is Truthpartner support and prayer that makes it possible for our program to be heard an average of 75,000 times a month through 1,884 radio outlets that reach every major city in America. And the reach goes far beyond that. Millions learn from Truth For Life each day from across the globe through the podcast, YouTube, and our website, which was visited by more than three million people last year alone! It is humbling to learn of those who are coming to faith in Jesus on account of the work of God’s Word.

In addition to daily Bible teaching, we take seriously our commitment to the local church. Along these lines, Truthpartner prayer and giving are making several events possible this year during which we will have the opportunity to encourage pastors. In April, we hosted a free one-day conference for forty pastors whose churches are largely in the Midwest. Last month, it was my privilege to do the same in the Netherlands, Croatia, and Albania. 

By now you may be asking, “Did you say all of this to the Truthpartners you met?” I didn’t—but it is important for you to know that the faithful monthly giving from Truthpartners makes this possible. Truthpartner support enables us to expand our reach and continually add to our teaching menu. This year, we’ll release ten new study guides that supplement our audio series and create eight new multi-day reading plans.

We’ve found that offering free e-books and other free teaching is a great way to introduce new audiences to Truth For Life. In April, we offered Name above All Names as a free e-book download. That offer was taken up by more than thirty thousand people in 197 countries. Let’s pause to remind each other that while one can plant and another can water, only God can make things grow.

During our recent Basics Conference, we had the privilege of hosting sixteen of our international translation partners. They are making our books available in their own languages. There are currently eighty-six projects underway to translate our teaching to Arabic, Farsi, Vietnamese, Hindi, and Chinese, just to name a few. All these projects rely on Truthpartner support.

It causes us to say with the psalmist, “This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes” (Ps.118:23).

It is not my normal pattern to use this letter to list our endeavors, but I thought a mid-year review might spur you to consider becoming a Truthpartner and supporting us on a monthly basis in the realization that this investment in the global outreach of the Gospel is of eternal significance.

Who could ever have imagined the extent of the adventure called Truth For Life when it began here in Cleveland in April 1992? Certainly not me!

With my love in the Lord Jesus,


The Character of Christ

Alistair Begg is Senior Pastor at Parkside Church in Cleveland, Ohio, and the Bible teacher on Truth For Life, which is heard on the radio and online around the world.
Copyright © 2025 , Truth For Life. All rights reserved.

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.