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Sermons on Evangelism

In these days of widespread anxiety and uncertainty, we have a wonderful opportunity to invite others to the faith and hope we have in Jesus. Nonetheless, beginning a conversation about Christ with friends and family can be difficult. It's hard to know where to start, what to say, and how best to answer the difficult questions. Sharing the Gospel is often challenging! Yet the challenge should never deter us from leading others to Jesus. Listen to or download these sermons by Alistair Begg on the topic of evangelism and be encouraged to warmly proclaim Christ.

A Lesson in Personal Evangelism — Part One (John 4) — Listen | Download MP3

The conversation between Jesus and the woman at the well is a perfect example for us to follow as we seek to share Jesus with the lost. Despite racial and gender barriers, Jesus naturally began a conversation by asking her for a drink. He developed the woman’s interest by asking questions which exposed her sin and need of a Savior. Alistair Begg encourages us to follow Jesus’ example and to be sincere and kind in our approach, understanding that only God can convict of sin.

A Lesson in Personal Evangelism — Part Two (John 4) Listen | Download MP3

The New Testament Church grew as ordinary believers shared the Good News of Jesus with the lost. In this message, Alistair Begg offers practical guidelines so that we, too, can be confident in sharing the Good News of a risen Savior. Our evangelism must begin on our knees, realizing that only God—not our clever arguments—can open blind eyes.

Continuous Evangelism (Acts 2:42-47) —  Listen | Download MP3

The overarching story in the book of Acts is the evangelism of the lost. The early believers shared and witnessed the Good News of the Lord Jesus, and God added to their numbers daily. A Spirit-filled church is not self-centered and self-contained but mission-driven by nature. This does not mean that every child of God needs to evangelize in a faraway land. Carrying out missionary discipleship within our normal daily routine can equally bring glory to God.

How to Give Away Your Faith — Part One (1 Peter 3:15, John 4) — Listen | Download MP3

Jesus calls His followers “the light of the world” and instructs them to let their light shine before others. The light of Christ’s followers is a beacon to the lost and weary. In this first of two messages we’ll learn why shining our light and sharing our faith is so important.

How to Give Away Your Faith — Part Two (1 Peter 3:15, John 4) — Listen | Download MP3

Jesus promised to transform His followers and give them a new purpose for living. Followers of Christ “fish for men” as they share their faith through their lives and words. In this second of two messages, Jesus demonstrates how we can effectively “fish” using Living Water.

Series: Crossing the Barriers — Listen | Download MP3 (Zip 88mb) | Study Guide

Evangelism. The word alone produces a tightness in the stomach and anxiety in the hearts of many Christians, creating a barrier that hinders sharing the Good News of Christ. Misunderstanding the biblical directives of evangelism may incline us to shy away from sharing our faith, thinking we do not have the gift of evangelism or do not know enough to be effective, leaving the task to others.

In Crossing the Barriers, Alistair Begg equips us to understand what evangelism truly is, helps us to be certain our message and motives are correct, prepares us to face challenges, and enables us to effectively cross the barriers that keep us from presenting Christ and preventing others from believing the message. Much like the herald who conveys the news from the king, we are not to express our own opinions or ideas, but faithfully deliver the message the King has given to us and trust God to do His work.

Series: FRANgelism (John 4) — Listen | Download MP3 (Zip 60mb)

As believers, we know that evangelism is important—but for many, it’s also a challenge. Worldly preoccupations and material needs can draw attention away from the only one who provides an answer to the human predicament. How can we engage in vital, meaningful conversation with our friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors about Jesus?

Scripture provides an example of such an exchange in Jesus’ encounter with a Samaritan woman in John 4. In this short series, Alistair Begg explores Christ’s conversation with and ministry to the woman at the well, which illustrate how to influence the lives of others for the sake of the Gospel. When we use ordinary experiences as opportunities to boldly and creatively share how God has transformed our lives, we can point those around us to the living water that is Jesus Christ.

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