Are heaven and hell real? What will heaven be like? What will the day of judgement look like? Download or listen to sermons by Alistair Begg about heaven, hell, and the day of God's judgment.
Sin Is Serious, Hell Is Real (Mark 9:42-48) — Listen | Download MP3
We live in a culture that has grown indifferent toward sin and the notion that God will execute holy justice upon it. Jesus took sin seriously and provided sobering instruction on how his followers should fight sin in their lives. Alistair Begg teaches us that even though we are secure in Christ, we should not think that we are no longer obligated to battle sin.
Our Heavenly Dwelling (2 Corinthians 5:1-10) — Listen | Download MP3
The uncertainty of death can be a great cause for fear, but for the Christian, the resurrection of Christ is the pledge of the believer’s resurrection. In this message, Alistair Begg helps us consider four truths about our resurrected body in light of Christ’s resurrection. As the world seeks to shy away from the implications of death, we must fix our eyes on the truth of God’s Word.
Death and Dying (2 Timothy 4:6)— Listen | Download MP3
Paul wrote his second letter to Timothy with urgency because he understood that his death was near, and His foremost concern remained the preaching of the Gospel. Facing the reality of death, Paul recognized that his life had not been wasted, but was being poured out for God. This calm and direct approach to death contrasts greatly with our contemporary culture. In this message Alistair Begg encourages us to consider that judgment follows death and to trust in Christ’s offer of salvation as we face our own mortality.
He Will Judge the World (Acts 17:31) — Listen | Download MP3
When the apostle Paul presented God's truth to the people of Athens, he did not hold back from topics that may be uncomfortable - for example, the coming Day of God's Judgment. The fact that our Creator and Father is also the righteous Judge gives meaning to our moral choices and to suffering, and challenges us to prepare to meet the Day in our own hearts and lives.
The Sadducees Question — Part Two (Mark 12:18-27) — Listen | Download MP3
As Jesus responded to the Sadducees’ question, He shows how the very Scriptures they claimed to believe actually proved the resurrection. Alistair Begg explains that knowing God's power and the truth of the Bible will give believers a correct view of their future in heaven.
The Day of the Lord (2 Peter 3:1-13) — Listen | Download MP3
Just as in Peter’s day, the world still scoffs at the promise of Christ’s return. In this message, Alistair Begg reviews Peter’s description of the Day of the Lord when all will be judged and the heavens and earth renewed. Scripture’s focus isn’t on calculating when these events will occur. Instead, Christians are to prepare for Christ’s return by living holy lives in light of what we know and by calling our friends and neighbors to faith in the Gospel.
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