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Blog Sermons on Christ’s Death

Sermons on Christ’s Death

Why did Christ die and what does his death mean for us today? Alistair Begg looks at the death of Christ in the sermons below and reminds us that by dying on the cross, Jesus Christ bore the wrath of our sins.

Christ’s Sacrifice of Himself (Hebrews 9:11–14) — Listen | Download MP3

Christians in every age face the danger of drifting from the essential truths of the Gospel. Alistair Begg reminds us that the answer to this dilemma is not in examining ourselves but in looking to Jesus. By offering Himself for our sins, He provided the only sacrifice that can cleanse our consciences and set us free to serve the living God.

Justice and Love (Isaiah 53:1-12, Romans 3:21–26)Listen | Download MP3

God is perfectly loving, and He demonstrates this in His mercy. It is also true that God is perfectly just, and He demonstrates this in the fact that He cannot let sin go unpunished. These truths may seem completely opposite and incompatible, yet they are not. In this study, Alistair Begg teaches us how God demonstrates both His justice and love in the cross of Jesus Christ.

The Curtain Torn in Two (Luke 23:45)Listen | Download MP3

When Jesus died on the cross, the curtain that separated the Most Holy Place in the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. In this Good Friday message, Alistair Begg reminds us that this event dramatically illustrated the truth that unfolded at the same time. Jesus’ once-for-all sacrifice accomplished what the Old Testament priesthood could never achieve. He has delivered His people from bondage to sin and declared the path to God open so that sinful men and women can approach God by faith with confidence that our sins are forgiven.

In This is Love (1 John 4:10)Listen | Download MP3

Looking back in his old age, the apostle John reflected on the cross of Christ and the love of God. At Calvary, Alistair Begg teaches, Jesus satisfied God’s wrath, which stood against us. We must understand this in order to rejoice in God’s mercy. By nature, we are estranged from God and exposed to His judgment, yet through the cross, God loves sinners without compromising His holiness. Now God looks on us without displeasure, and we can look on Him without fear.

The Death of Jesus (Mark 15:33–41)Listen | Download MP3

Mark’s account of the crucifixion includes particular observations that lead us to a deeper understanding of what Christ accomplished on the cross. Although Jesus endured the full force of suffering as a man, the cross’s meaning is found beyond the physical torments He endured. Alistair Begg explains that the death of Christ was central to God’s purposes in the world: Christ bore the sin and endured God’s judgment to redeem a people for Himself.



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