Wallpaper: God’s Presence

“Godliness is simply the living of life with an all-pervasive sense of God’s presence.”
—Alistair Begg

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Topics: Weekly Wallpaper

Basics 2024 Recap

Another year of Basics has come and gone! We hope that you were able to attend the conference or watch the live stream. If not, you can now freely stream or download every message from the conference here or in the Truth For Life app.

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A Practical, Biblical Guidebook for Moms and Dads

For those who are parents, are about to become parents, or have adult children who are parents, the book Parenting Essentials gives a practical, biblical framework for raising well-adjusted, God-honoring children.

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Topics: Monthly Resources

Hymn: “Through All the Changing Scenes of Life” by Nahum Tate and Nicholas Brady

Through all the changing scenes of life,
In trouble and in joy,
The praises of my God shall still
My heart and tongue employ.
Of His deliv’rance I will boast,
Till all that are distressed
From my example comfort take
And lay their griefs to rest.

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Topics: Hymns and Worship

Four Ways God Shows Us His Goodness

God’s goodness is an immense subject. Stephen Charnock, a seventeenth-century English Puritan, wrote extensively on the subject. In his two-volume work on the existence and attributes of God, he devoted 145 pages to God’s goodness alone! Many of us would be hard-pressed to fill one page, but not Charnock. All of God’s acts, he says, are the outpourings of divine goodness. Charnock lists some examples:

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Topics: Articles

Wallpaper: Work of Grace

“Without grace, love and faith would be impossible. Without love and faith, there is no evidence of a work of grace.”
—Alistair Begg

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Topics: Weekly Wallpaper

The Sole Authority of God’s Word

In part one of this series, we examined the biblical pattern of reminder, and especially Peter’s effort to remind his readers of the basic truths of the Gospel, which he declares in 2 Peter 1:12–15 . By repeatedly coming back to the essentials, Peter sought to prevent his readers from being led astray by false teachers who denied Christ and the Gospel.

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Topics: Articles

Wallpaper: Profoundly Involved

“He who is involved in the life cycle of the sparrow is profoundly involved in the lives of His children.”
—Alistair Begg

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Topics: Weekly Wallpaper

Martyn Lloyd-Jones: A Preacher by Divine Appointment

Dear Friend,

Warmest Christian Greetings. It is a privilege to write to you on a monthly basis and to hear from you in turn. Thank you for encouraging us as a team and for standing with us in the cause of the Gospel.

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Topics: Letters From Alistair Begg

Christians Are not Stoics

Since Jesus’ disciples didn’t yet grasp the reality of His upcoming death and resurrection, they struggled to understand what He meant when He said, “A little while, and you will see me no longer; and again a little while, and you will see me.” In answer to their confusion, Jesus prepared them for His departure by comparing the cross to the agony and joy of childbirth. In his sermon “From Sorrow to Joy,” Alistair walks us through John 16:16–24, clarifying how, like the apostles, we, too, can be assured and rejoice.

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