It’s easy to look at Christmas as though the story starts in the opening chapters of the New Testament. But the Bible is a two-act drama, and the earth’s King is from eternity past!
In the brand-new Advent devotional Let Earth Receive Her King: Daily Readings for Advent by Alistair Begg, you’ll trace the Christmas story all the way back to the beginning by exploring how the Messiah was predicted in the Old Testament as far back as in the book of Genesis. You’ll then reflect on how Christ the Savior was revealed in the Gospels, explained in the Epistles, and is anticipated to return in the book of Revelation.
This gold-embossed, hardcover devotional takes a broad sweep through the Scriptures to help you view Christmas through a wide-angle lens. In twenty-four daily readings, you’ll reflect on the prophecies that foretold of God’s salvation plan, consider Christ’s first coming and how that wondrous gift was given, and then marvel at the certainty of His future coming and how all things will be made new.
Alistair’s love for hymns and carols is evident as they’re woven throughout this collection of Advent devotions. These timeless lyrics will help you meditate on the truth of God’s Word as you conclude each reflection. Alistair also provides questions for you to ponder each day.
“No matter how far back we consider the time to be and no matter what model we have in our minds of how time began, there we will find the preincarnate Son of God already existing. In the beginning there was already God, and there was already God the Son, the Word. John, in his Gospel, connects the dots to Genesis 1 for us. This Jesus was not created, for He is the very Creator of the universe. The child in the manger was the very same person who put the stars in the sky, including the very star that led the wise men from the east to come and worship Him.”
—Alistair Begg
The busyness of the Christmas season can make it difficult to focus on the coming of Christ. Let Earth Receive Her King invites you to enjoy a brief respite each day by centering your thoughts on the majesty and glory of the Lord Jesus. Request your copy today when you give a donation to Truth For Life.
Topics: Monthly Resources