Reflections before Coming to the Communion Table
Why are we, as saved sinners, given the privilege of feasting at the Communion table before a holy God? Because He has provided an atonement for our rebellion! In his sermon “The Lamb of God,” Alistair traces man’s search for a substitutionary sacrifice throughout Scripture, starting with Isaac, who asks his father, “Where is the lamb?” The ultimate answer, of course, comes centuries later, when John the Baptist introduces Jesus as the unblemished Lamb who takes away the sin of the world. By becoming sin for us on the cross, Christ Jesus provides perfect redemption—and perfect communion—for all who believe.
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Learn from the One Who Is Gentle and Lowly in Heart
By nature, men and women act self-reliant, often burdened by the futility of trying to make sense of their existence or attempting to please God through self-effort. Jesus invites all sinners to come and find rest in Him. While His call is universal, it’s also very personal. Those who accept His invitation are expected to learn from Him.
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Jesus Does Not Change—and That’s Good News
“Changes,” a popular ’70s-era song, captures well the feeling many of us have toward the notion of change:
Continue reading …Everyone is going through changes;
No one knows what’s going on;
And everybody changes places,
But the world still carries on.
Love must always change to sorrow,
And everyone must play the game;
It’s here today and gone tomorrow,
But the world goes on the same.1
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Wallpaper: In Everything
“Chance is banished from the faith of Christians, for they see the hand of God in everything.”
—C.H. Spurgeon
Topics: Weekly Wallpaper
Alistair Begg Considers Heavenly Citizenship
Dear Friend,
It happens to me every year on the Fourth of July: I find myself torn between the country of my birth and my adopted homeland. The first thirty-one years of my life were spent in the UK, but in many ways, the past forty-one in the US have actually deepened my ties with family and friends who still live on the opposite side of the Atlantic.
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Explore the Richness of Psalm 23
The book of Psalms is known as the hymnbook of the Bible, and Psalm 23 is perhaps the most well-known of all the psalms. It begins with the verse “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” You may have read it many times or even have it memorized. In the new book The Lord of Psalm 23: Jesus Our Shepherd, Companion, and Host, you’ll plumb the depths of these “almost too familiar words” so you can fully grasp what it means to trust in Jesus as the Shepherd who protects us, comforts us, and leads us home.
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What’s Wrong with the World
“What’s wrong with the world?” someone asks. Many explanations are on offer: economic turmoil, moral collapse, political extremism. Certainly these are things that are going wrong. But are they “what’s wrong with the world”?
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Wallpaper: Nothing
“If our Christianity costs us nothing, it is worth nothing.”
—Alistair Begg
Topics: Weekly Wallpaper
What Are the Marks of a Good Pastor?
Most pastors would say that they aspire to be good pastors—that is, good at the task to which they’ve been set, not merely average (much less rotten!). Thankfully, the Scriptures don’t leave us without guidance as to what being a “good pastor” means. When Paul wrote his first letter to Timothy, he told him, “If you put these things before the brothers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus” (1 Tim. 4:6).
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Wallpaper: Perfect Gift
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”
James 1:17
Topics: Weekly Wallpaper