Written to scattered believers facing a variety of troubles, the Epistle of James addresses a universally relevant question: How are God’s people to live in God’s world? This side of heaven, trials and tribulations crowd into our lives, confronting us with failure and tears, doubts and disappointments, sorrow and groanings. In response, James offers us practical help, with an eye toward not becoming Christians so much as behaving as those who have been redeemed “by the word of truth.”
Volume 1 (James 1:1-27): Listen (Free) | Download (Free - 170 mb)
In volume one of this series, Alistair Begg considers James’s call to demonstrate wisdom through patient perseverance in trials. We display godly wisdom when we endure temptation and learn to love one another radically and sacrificially. Wisdom, we learn, isn’t a matter of age, education, or experience; it’s a product of God’s Spirit at work in a life that has been transformed by God’s grace.
Volume 2 (James 2:1-3:18): Listen (Free) | Download (Free - 173 mb )
In volume two of this series, Alistair Begg helps us discover what true faith looks like in the life of a Christian. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ produces godly wisdom, which we demonstrate by how we conduct ourselves toward God and others—including in how we face such temptations as showing favoritism or having uncontrolled speech. As God’s Spirit enables, we can learn true wisdom and find strength to serve God and each other.
Volume 3 (James 4:1-5:6): Listen (Free) | Download (Free - 167 mb)
In volume three of this series, Alistair Begg helps us see just how far we fall short of God’s perfect standard. God’s law reveals that we are desperately proud, prone to controversy and slander, and inclined to mismanage our time and money. This study reminds us of our need for a Savior and points us to the cross, where we find complete forgiveness and peace. Such gifts compel us to resist sin as God graciously draws us to Himself.
Volume 4 (James 5:7-20): Listen (Free) | Download (Free - 134 mb)
In volume four of this series, Alistair Begg highlights important principles that help Christians live in an unjust world. When we realize that everything in life is under God’s control and will ultimately be made right, we can live in a way that is contrary to human nature. Once His grace has captured our heart, we are given a new song to sing and the awareness of a loving heavenly Father to whom we can humbly bring all of our cares.
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