Wallpaper: Work of Grace

“Without grace, love and faith would be impossible. Without love and faith, there is no evidence of a work of grace.”
—Alistair Begg

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Topics: Weekly Wallpaper

Wallpaper: Profoundly Involved

“He who is involved in the life cycle of the sparrow is profoundly involved in the lives of His children.”
—Alistair Begg

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Topics: Weekly Wallpaper

Wallpaper: Outstretched Arm

“Ah, Lord GOD! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you.”
Jeremiah 32:17

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Topics: Weekly Wallpaper

Wallpaper: He Saved Us

“In the cross, it wasn’t that Christ made us savable, but it was that He saved us.”
—Alistair Begg

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Topics: Weekly Wallpaper

Wallpaper: The Great Reversal

“God is in charge of the great reversals; He turns us from darkness to light, from sadness to joy, from death to life.”
—Alistair Begg

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Topics: Weekly Wallpaper

Wallpaper: Keep His Commandments

“For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome.”
1 John 5:3

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Topics: Weekly Wallpaper

Wallpaper: Broken

“Our world is broken because we're alienated from the God who made us.”
—Alistair Begg

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Topics: Weekly Wallpaper

Wallpaper: Hosanna

“Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”
Matthew 21:9

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Topics: Weekly Wallpaper

Wallpaper: Over Circumstances

“When we suffer as a Christian ... we can safely assume that God is Master even over this circumstance in which we find ourselves.”
—Alistair Begg

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Topics: Weekly Wallpaper

Wallpaper: Promise

“There’s never a promise that God has made that He won’t fulfill.”
—Alistair Begg

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Topics: Weekly Wallpaper

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