Today's Hymn Reflection from Alistair Begg: "We Have an Anchor"

Alistair Begg, who loves both historic and contemporary hymns, recalls one he sang as a young boy in Scotland. It’s called We Have an Anchor and provides a wonderful picture of God’s care for us, even through the fiercest storms.

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Topics: Hymns and Worship, Begg's Blog

Hymn Reflection from Alistair Begg: ‘I Sing the Almighty Power of God’

During times when we find ourselves unsettled by the events in our world, Alistair Begg turns to the pages of his hymnbook to offer hope and encouragement.

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Topics: Hymns and Worship, Begg's Blog

Hymn Reflection from Alistair Begg: ‘My God, I Thank You That You Made’

Alistair Begg turns to his hymnbook to help us make sense of global turmoil. With this lyric, he encourages us to remember that our Christian journey isn’t tied to earthly things, but instead is fixed on the day when we’ll meet Jesus.

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Topics: Hymns and Worship, Begg's Blog

Today's Hymn Reflection from Alistair Begg: "The Lord Eternal Reigns"

Alistair Begg shares the encouraging words of seventeenth-century hymn writer Isaac Watts, who is regarded as the father of English hymnody. Watts’s lyric in this hymn of praise affirms that the Lord's throne is built on high; He's sovereign above the turmoil that troubles us.

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Topics: Hymns and Worship, Begg's Blog

A Hymn Reflection from Alistair Begg: “When All Thy Mercies, O My God”

Alistair Begg is drawing from his personal hymnbook and his favorite lyrics to help us find peace and comfort in the midst of this global pandemic. This lyric, from Joseph Addision, points us to God’s eternal providence, even during the darkest of days.

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Topics: Hymns and Worship, Begg's Blog

Hymn: “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today” by Charles Wesley

Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia!
Earth and heaven in chorus say, Alleluia!
Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia!
Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply, Alleluia!

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Topics: Hymns and Worship

Hymn Reflection from Alistair Begg: ‘Sovereign Ruler of the Skies’

Alistair Begg loves hymns, and during these days of uncertainty and anxiety, he turns to his favorite lyrics for encouragement and hope. This one, from John Ryland, helps us affirm our conviction that God is the creator and sustainer of the universe and that we can rest peacefully in His sovereignty.

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Topics: Hymns and Worship, Begg's Blog

Hymn Reflection from Alistair Begg: ‘Our God, Our Help in Ages Past’

Alistair Begg shares one of his favorite hymn stanzas to assure us that not a day unfolds outside of God's sovereign rule. It’s a comforting truth for all of us to ruminate on during these difficult and unprecedented days of the coronavirus.

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Topics: Hymns and Worship, Begg's Blog

Hymn Reflection from Alistair Begg: “God Moves in a Mysterious Way”

Alistair Begg is known for his great love of hymns, and he draws from his personal hymnbook to share a lyric that reminds us that, even in these remarkably uncertain times, the God of the ages holds us fast.

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Topics: Hymns and Worship, Begg's Blog

Hymn Reflection from Alistair Begg: ‘Do You Not Know? Have You Not Heard’

Alistair Begg looks to his hymnbook for biblical wisdom during this extraordinary time of global worry. By drawing from a lesser known hymn written by Isaac Watts, Alistair reminds us how important it is to wait upon the Lord who is all powerful and who can do all things.

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Topics: Hymns and Worship, Begg's Blog

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