Video: "One Body, One Spirit, One Hope, Part Two" by Alistair Begg

As he addressed the importance of Christian unity to the Ephesians, the Apostle Paul reminded believers of the oneness of their calling. Alistair Begg explores what it means and why it matters that God has sent one Spirit and called us through one hope. Throughout the heights and depths of the Christian experience, as believers, we can enjoy the hope that fills our redemption.

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Topics: From the Archives

Video: "One Body, One Spirit, One Hope, Part One" by Alistair Begg

The Apostle Paul frequently referred to the Church as a body, illustrating that the whole is made up of many different parts functioning together as one. Preaching from Ephesians 4, Alistair Begg helps us understand that our union with Christ is what makes us one body. The foundation of our unity isn’t membership in an organization, but the Holy Spirit who indwells each believer. Those who are in Christ are called to a unity that defies cultural expectations and testifies to the power and grace of God, who makes us one in Christ.

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Topics: From the Archives

Video: "Humility and Unity" by Alistair Begg

A “church” isn’t a building, but a group of people who worship together on a regular basis: a local body of believers. The relationships we develop with other Christians are to reflect what God has done and is doing among us, making us one in Christ and conforming us to His image. In this message, Alistair Begg explores Paul’s teaching on Christian unity, showing how humility, gentleness, patience, forbearance, and love contribute to our oneness. As we walk out these characteristics, relying on the Holy Spirit to empower us, we maintain the unity God created among His people.

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Topics: From the Archives

Video: "Therefore..." by Alistair Begg

In Ephesians 4, Paul taught that believers should “walk worthy” of the Christian faith, applying their beliefs in practice. Alistair Begg explains that belief must come first: our actions are to be based on who we are in Christ, not just adherence to a moral code. We can live the Christian life only after responding to God’s loving call to put our faith in Jesus.

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Topics: From the Archives

A Message for Christmas 2016 from Alistair Begg

How good do we have to be to gain God’s approval? In this brief message, Alistair Begg explains how the Christmas story is the good news of salvation, not simply good advice to “be good for goodness sake.” We are reminded that it is God alone who saves. It is through our self-surrender to the finished work of Jesus Christ, not through our self-efforts, that we are made acceptable to God.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, From the Archives

Video: "Then Sings My Soul" By Alistair Begg

Mary’s song in Luke 1 describes the actions God has taken in redeeming His people: God has shown strength, scattered the proud, brought low the mighty, exalted the humble, filled the hungry, and sent the rich away empty. Alistair Begg teaches that God overturns the earthly values that we trust, not vindictively or arbitrarily, but purposefully as He establishes His kingdom that will never end. Mary’s song invites us to humbly praise the Almighty God who fulfilled His promise of salvation through the birth of Jesus.

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Topics: From the Archives

Video: "The Genealogy of Jesus" by Alistair Begg

Why does Matthew begin his gospel with a long list of names? Alistair Begg expounds on three events from Matthew’s list that establish the historical context of Christ’s birth: God’s promise to Abraham that through him all nations will be blessed, God’s promise to David that his kingdom would last forever, and the exile of the Israelites. From Matthew’s list we learn that God uses people we wouldn’t choose, experiences we wouldn’t want, and events we wouldn’t plan in order to achieve His eternal plan.

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Topics: From the Archives

Video: "Joseph, Do Not Fear" by Alistair Begg

When Gabriel announced the birth of Jesus to Mary, she submitted to God at great personal cost. At just the right time, God also sent an angel to prepare Joseph for his role in the birth of the Messiah. Alistair Begg explains that Joseph's response was grounded in his character and shaped by his commitment to the Word of God. This kind of submission to God requires courage in the face of shame and rejection, but our hope is found in the Lord Jesus Christ, who became man to endure shame and meet our greatest need.

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Topics: From the Archives

Video: "Let It Be" by Alistair Begg

Familiarity with the Christmas story can lessen our appreciation of the incredible nature of the events surrounding the incarnation, but we must remember that they did occur and are beyond human explanation. In this sermon, Alistair Begg focuses on Luke’s account of Gabriel’s visit with Mary that foretold the Messiah’s conception and birth. The angel’s message is the cornerstone of redemption history. It calls us, like Mary, to acknowledge the mystery of God's plans and to submit to His purposes in humility and trust.

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Topics: From the Archives

What Four Words Guide Alistair Begg's Teaching?

"When we are offering the Gospel to people, we want to do it in the awareness that we are the beneficiaries of the message that we proclaim." - Alistair Begg

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Topics: Monthly Resources, From the Archives

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