Video: "A Word to Husbands, Part Three" By Alistair Begg

The Bible instructs husbands to love their wives as Christ loves the Church and as they love their own bodies, providing an example of sacrifice and a warning against neglect. Addressing this challenging, yet straightforward, directive, Alistair Begg provides husbands with practical application on how to think and act in obedience to God by selflessly loving their wives. 

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Video: "A Word to Husbands, Part One" By Alistair Begg

Ephesians 5 contains instructions for wives and husbands, but it applies to every Christian, married or single. In this sermon, Alistair Begg explains that the love commanded of husbands denotes self-sacrifice rather than self-interest, providing a safeguard against both tyranny and abdication. By walking in obedience to God’s Word, Christians and Christian marriages will be a beacon for the Gospel as they reflect Christ’s selfless love for His bride, the Church. (Watch Part Two)

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Video: "A Word to Wives" by Alistair Begg

Men and women are equal in dignity as image-bearers and co-heirs with Christ, but different in function. Alistair Begg considers the place of submission in marriage, noting that God has given wives a clear command to submit to their husbands. Like every area of life, the marriage relationship is tainted by the consequences of sin, but Christ is exalted when husbands and wives live according to the pattern that God has provided in His Word.

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Video: "Marriage - An Introduction" By Alistair Begg

Culture’s departure from God’s design illustrates what has been true from the beginning: by nature, mankind is in rebellion against God. The institution of marriage is no exception. Alistair Begg reminds believers that God’s Word speaks with authority, infallibility, and sufficiency into our lives. If we are to grasp the profound mystery of Christ’s love for His Church and the implications for us, we must first think rightly about the divine nature of God’s Word.

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Video: "Lord in Your Mercy, Hear Our Prayer" by Alistair Begg

The end of one year and beginning a new one provides an opportunity to reflect on the passage of time. This reflection may be productive if we consider not only our own mortality, but the eternal and holy character of God. Alistair Begg considers Moses’ prayer in Psalm 90, noting that it is grounded in the reality that our sin places each of us under the wrath of God. By grace, because of Christ’s work, the God we have offended will Himself restore, satisfy, gladden, and favor His people.

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Video: "Jesus Saves" by Alistair Begg

Are you ready for Christmas? It’s possible to believe many things about Jesus without ever trusting Him. Alistair Begg urges us to consider that because we are sinners, our greatest need is salvation—to be rescued from our rejection of Jesus for a relationship with Him by His own sacrifice on the cross. God’s gift of salvation is not related to our performance. It is ours when we receive the Savior whose coming we celebrate during the Christmas season.

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Topics: From the Archives

A Special Christmas Message from Alistair Begg

The Christmas story, layered upon by time and tradition, brings to mind the image of Jesus in a manger. The heart of its message, though, depends upon Christ on the cross. In this short Christmas message, Alistair Begg helps us to consider God’s gracious provision of a Savior in the giving of His own Son. Although the goodness of creation was marred by human rebellion, through the new gift of Christ’s life and death all things will be made perfect.

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Video: "The Wise Men" by Alistair Begg

The arrival of the wise men is a familiar part of the Christmas story, but much of what is commonly regarded about their identity and arrival has been influenced by legend and tradition. Scripture describes their purpose clearly, however: they sincerely inquired about the newborn King. Alistair Begg explores this important encounter with Christ and what it means to truly seek Him. The greatest gift ever given was not presented in the form of earthly treasure, but rather in Heaven’s greatest treasure being sent to us, God’s own Son.

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Video: "Shepherd King" by Alistair Begg

Into the humiliation of a people suffering the consequences of their sin, the Prophet Micah spoke a message of hope. Alistair Begg explains that God's promise would be fulfilled through a King born in insignificant circumstances, but destined for an everlasting reign—Christ, the Lord. He is our eternal King, and He, Himself, is the peace with God that our sin requires. His coming is met with hostility and indifference from some, but those who bow before Him in humble faith find salvation.

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Topics: From the Archives

Video: "Submitting to One Another" by Alistair Begg

Everyone is naturally inclined to proud self-assertion, but humility and mutual submission should be evident in the lives of believers. Alistair Begg urges us to consider that real unity is a response of reverence for Jesus, who gave Himself for us. As we are increasingly under the control of God's Word and the Lordship of God's Son, the Holy Spirit will produce genuine unity among the people of God.

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