What Is Salvation?: A Question Worth Considering This Easter
The Easter season is a celebration of the Gospel. As we remember Jesus’ passion, death on the cross, and triumphant resurrection from the grave, we aren’t just marking an anniversary. We are remembering that, in the words of Paul, “when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us” (Titus 3:4–5). Holy Week is a time to recall God’s magnificent work of salvation.
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Lessons on Persecution from a Former Persecutor
The phrase “persecuted church” tends to carry our minds to other parts of the world, where Christians suffer severely for their faith in Christ. But the New Testament makes it startlingly clear that persecution isn’t limited to a select group of believers. Paul summed up the plain truth in 2 Timothy 3:12 when he wrote, “All who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (emphasis added).
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Four Reasons Studying Doctrine Matters
Only when we come to know God will we come to love Him. In his sermon “The Apostles’ Teaching,” Alistair Begg reminds us that Christian doctrine is fundamentally important for every believer. He turns to Bruce Milne’s modern classic, Know the Truth, to consider four reasons why:
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The Depths of Sin and the Hope of Forgiveness
As he begins his plea to God in Psalm 130, the psalmist describes himself in a metaphorical location: “Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord!” To the Hebrew writers and readers of the Psalms, “the depths” was a way of speaking about the sea, and the sea was a dangerous place. When they talked about the depths, they were talking about drowning.
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Forty Days in the Wilderness: Lessons from Jesus’ Temptation
Temptation is a familiar part of life for us all. If we’re honest, we can admit that it doesn’t take much to lead us astray when we let our guard down. Most of us give in far more easily than we’d like to admit. By nature, we’re more inclined to run in our own direction than to follow God’s lead. So what can we do to avoid temptation’s pitfalls and stay on the narrow path?
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5 Bible Verses about the Second Coming of Christ
Mark 13:33 “Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the time will come.”
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Yes, You Should Pray for Riches. But What Kind?
Sweet Fruit from a Thorny Tree: Lessons on Suffering from Charles Spurgeon
Charles Haddon Spurgeon was no stranger to suffering. Known in his day as the “Prince of Preachers,” Spurgeon faced trials of various kinds throughout his life, some physical, some circumstantial, some internal and personal. Such a man—one so saturated with Scripture and seasoned through suffering—has much wisdom to offer us. This is wisdom for everyone, because the question of suffering is not a question of if we will face it, but when. Suffering is one of life’s certainties, as is the good which God produces through it. We would therefore do well to listen to the Spurgeon as he offers counsel to prepare us for the suffering we will face.
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6 Bible Verses about Baptism
Acts 2:41 “So those who received his word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls.”
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Winter in the Soul: Lessons on Depression from Psalm 13
Along life’s journey, it’s not uncommon to experience seasons during which everything seems to be winter in one’s soul—seasons defined by feelings of loneliness and desperation. Although life goes on, a deadening sense grips us. We often can’t explain it. The sun may be shining, the sky blue, and there may be nothing to worry us—but nonetheless, all seems bleak, and we are deeply unsettled and spiritually weighed down.
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