What Do You Know about the Authentic Jesus of Nazareth?
Maybe you’ve heard this description somewhere: He was born in poverty, lived only thirty-three years, spent most of His life in obscurity, never wrote a book, never had any position in public life, was crucified with two thieves—and yet two thousand years later, millions still follow Him. It’s certainly not the whole story of Jesus Christ, but it is a helpful, thought-provoking summary of His legacy. Whether we’re convinced in our faith or questioning in our agnosticism, there’s no escaping the fact that Jesus of Nazareth has left an indelible mark on human history. All of us must reckon with the question of His identity.
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Knowing God as Father
All who are in Christ are God’s children. Yet many people find it difficult to think of God as their Father. This can be especially true for those whose earthly fathers have left them with unhappy recollections of sinful behavior and its consequences.
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Justification: “The Principal Article of All Christian Doctrine”
There are few doctrines as important for Christians to understand as justification. So significant is it that Martin Luther referred to it as “the principal article of all Christian doctrine.”1 He even went so far as to say, “If the article of justification be once lost, then is all true Christian doctrine lost.”2 In other words, justification is a main thing, and it is a plain thing. It is not peripheral; it is absolutely central. It’s hard to fathom questions that are more fundamental than “How in the world can a sinful man or a woman be reconciled to a holy God?”
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Are All Spiritual Gifts for Today?
Are all spiritual gifts described in the Bible still active today? Christians vary widely in their answer to this question. In fact, more division and controversy ensue here than in any other area of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. And yet we must arrive at a biblical perspective on this crucial issue while recognizing that not all Christians will agree on everything.
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“Born Again! What Do You Mean?”
The question “Are you born again?” has been a familiar one in evangelical churches of the last century, and it has been common for people to describe themselves as “born-again” Christians. Yet many, even in Christian circles, may hear a question like that and say, along with Nicodemus, “Born again! … What do you mean?” (John 3:4, TLB). In the popular understanding of these words, there is a great deal that is misunderstood, and the resulting confusion can be a barrier to faith.
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An Introduction to Spiritual Gifts
What is the purpose of spiritual gifts? The New Testament shows they are given to strengthen the church and are a picture of divine unity in the body of Christ. In light of this, it should grieve us when they become a point of division in our fellowships. Yet there are few areas of biblical doctrine that are more prone to produce mistrust and judgment among us than this one.
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Four Keys to Sharing the Gospel like Jesus
Jesus’ ministry was expansive and comprehensive. Men and women turned to Him in faith, and their lives were dramatically changed. Matthew 9:35 tells us He “went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom.” By His works and the power of His words, He brought the kingdom of God to the people of Israel.
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Understanding Spirit Baptism and Spiritual Fullness
Few aspects of the Holy Spirit’s ministry have caused greater division in the church than those of Spirit baptism and spiritual fullness. Yet whenever the New Testament speaks of these things, it does so in terms of unity, not division. The baptism and filling with the Holy Spirit, rightly understood, should be sources of the church’s unity.
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A Brief Theology of Marriage
H. Norman Wright, a licensed marriage and family counselor, once described a situation that another man had brought to him in the course of his ministry:
Continue reading …A new woman came to work in our office. We struck up an acquaintance and began to talk each day over coffee. In time she began to share the problems in her own marriage and we found that we were both in a position of drifting away from our spouses. We actually found that we communicated better together than with our own spouses. We looked for reasons to be together—we shared similar interests and hobbies. I had no ulterior motives—no sinister plans but I enjoyed our time together as friends.
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What Is the Holy Spirit’s Role in Sanctification?
Writing to the church in Corinth, Paul described the Holy Spirit’s ongoing work in the believer’s life as follows:
Continue reading …We all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. (2 Cor. 3:18)
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