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The Book Your Pastor Wishes You Would Read

“How are things in your church? Is it a church marked by a joyful Gospel partnership between the pastor and church members? Or not? How well do you know your pastor?” —Christopher Ash, The Book Your Pastor Wishes You Would Read (But Is Too Embarrassed to Ask)

October is Pastor Appreciation Month, a time designated for celebrating the many contributions pastors make to congregations. It’s important to reflect on and give thanks for all that our local pastor adds to our lives by way of his teaching and counsel. But Scripture also calls the church body to a conduct that allows our pastors to effectively carry out the ministry to which they’ve been appointed.

Alistair Begg Endorsement

It can be difficult to understand what that means, so we’re offering a resource this month that helps to clarify what the Bible has to say about this rarely addressed responsibility of every church member. Written by pastor Christopher Ash, The Book Your Pastor Wishes You Would Read (But Is Too Embarrassed to Ask) takes a candid look at what it means to create a culture of true fellowship within the church family, and why it matters to both the pastors and the people in their care.

Ash structures his thoughts around key virtues that must mark both individuals and the body as a whole, noting habits such as daily repentance and eager faith, committed belonging, open honesty, thoughtful watchfulness, loving kindness, high expectations, and zealous submission. When such biblical mandates are followed, a mutually beneficial atmosphere results that encourages and supports both the pastor and the flock he oversees—and ultimately honors God.

The Book Your Pastor Wishes You Would Read offers a thoughtful consideration of actionable steps centered in Scripture, making it ideal for both personal and small group study. If you’re looking to care for your pastor in the way God intends, request The Book Your Pastor Wishes You Would Read (But Is Too Embarrassed to Ask) by Christopher Ash.

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