What are your priorities? Do you make your relationship with God a priority? Alistair Begg addresses what our priority should be and that we should fix our eyes on Jesus.
Only Basis for Boasting (Jeremiah 9:23-24) — Listen | Download MP3
When the culture says we are at the center of the universe, the result is self-absorption that leads to emptiness and meaninglessness. Alistair Begg reminds graduating students and us that the remedy is not found in boasting in our own wisdom, strength, or wealth, but in knowing God as He has revealed Himself in the Lord Jesus. With that foundation, we can know life that is truly meaningful as our lives are poured out in service to God.
Eternity on My Mind (Ecclesiastes 3:1-15) — Listen | Download MP3
Nothing on earth fully satisfies us because we were actually created for eternity. In this message, Alistair Begg reminds us that God wants us to enjoy life in order to bring Him glory and that even the mundane acts of life are a gift from God. With this awareness, we can find comfort, a humble sense of security, and a better understanding of our significance.
Stay the Course (Daniel 6:1-22) — Listen | Download MP3
The story of Daniel and the lions’ den provides great insight into what it means to persevere faithfully amidst adversity. Characterized by integrity, wisdom, discipline, and prayer, Daniel was trusted by the king of Babylon, but despised by his jealous, corrupt colleagues. Although Daniel’s faith and refusal to compromise made him the target of an evil plot, Alistair Begg points out that it also made him an instrument for God’s deliverance and glory. To finish well, we too must commit to staying the course.
Whole-Hearted Devotion (Mark 14:1-9) — Listen | Download MP3
When an anonymous woman broke an alabaster jar and poured her ointment on Jesus' head, she gave up a treasured possession. Some who were there saw this as extravagant and wasteful, but Jesus considered her actions a demonstration of gratitude toward her Savior. Alistair Begg reminds us that if Jesus truly is our God and Savior, there is no sacrifice that we can make for Him that is too great.
Running the Race (Hebrews 12:1-4) — Listen | Download MP3
The Christian life is a marathon of endurance. How well are you running your race? Alistair Begg counsels us that in order to run well, we must deal with the entanglements that slow us down. Both good gifts that disrupt our focus and sins that cause us to stumble can hinder our spiritual progress. To overcome such obstacles, we must fix our eyes on Jesus, who is the author and perfecter of our faith, as well as our race’s prize.
Deo Volente (James 4:13-17) — Listen | Download MP3
The passage of time often brings to light panic or presumption, but what does the Bible say about how we are to view our time on earth? James 4 provides practical wisdom for facing the future and conducting our planning. Alistair Begg contrasts what we say about the future with what we ought to say. Christians will be distinctive in our culture if we can say whole-heartedly, “God first, and God willing.”
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