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Blog Sermons on Self-Control

Sermons on Self-Control


While many aspire to practice good self-control, if we’re honest, our efforts often fall short. In these messages, Alistair Begg explores the need for self-control and the means of attaining it as we seek to live lives pleasing to our Lord. We’re reminded that the Christian life frees us to enjoy genuine joy, peace, and freedom.

Filled with the Spirit — Part One (Ephesians 5:18-19) — Listen | Download MP3

Christians should be characterized by wise living because we have been made completely new in Christ. The world we live in, however, is marked by rebellion against God and disobedience to His law. In this exposition of Ephesians 5:18, Alistair Begg contrasts the wantonness caused by drunkenness with the fruitful life produced by the Spirit of God. Abuse of the good gifts that God provides leads to diminished self-control, but life in the Spirit frees the Christian to enjoy genuine joy, peace, contentment, and freedom. Listen to Part Two

Self-Control (Galatians 5:23) — Listen | Download MP3

No one is perfect. We resolve to “try harder,” yet our self-effort always falls short. In fact, our response to temptation exposes our heart’s desires: when we sin, it demonstrates that we love the sin more than we love God. In this message, Alistair Begg explores the need for self-control as we seek to live lives pleasing to our Lord. How can self-control become our “new normal”? As we depend on God’s grace, we are enabled to live within boundaries He has established, motivated not by rules but by our love for Him.

Walking in Wisdom (Ephesians 5:15-17) Listen | Download MP3

Does God care what we do with our time? In this message from Ephesians 5, Alistair Begg explains that the wise use of time should distinguish those who are in Christ from the world around us. Instead of making foolish decisions based on our feelings, impulses, or instincts, Christians should pay attention to God's Word, think carefully, and make wise decisions that bring glory to God.

Your Enemy the Devil (1 Peter 5:8-9) Listen | Download MP3

Peter warns Christians of the reality of our enemy, the devil, but he also makes us aware of how we are to respond to this threat. Alistair Begg emphasizes Peter’s warning, prompting us to actively resist the ways of the evil one. By being self-controlled and alert, we will understand the reality of spiritual warfare and be able to resist Satan’s schemes.

Words (Proverbs 13:3)Listen | Download MP3

When a powerful tool can either heal or harm, we must be careful in how we use it. Scripture shows us our choice of words is just such a tool. Examining this power, Alistair Begg explains the effect of words to divide and destroy—or, conversely, to restore and to calm. He also cautions against the empty use of religious jargon to mask a lack of devotion. In our use of words, we offer evidence of where we stand before God.

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