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Sermons on Loving Others


How should Christians act toward others? In these sermons, Alistair Begg reminds believers that their actions should reflect Christ's character. When interacting with both unbelievers and other Christians, our lives should be marked by a genuine love and should draw others to the Gospel.

Walk in Love — Part One (Ephesians 5:1-2) Listen | Download MP3

As children mature, they often bear an increasing resemblance to their parents. Alistair Begg explains that the Christian life is similar: as believers mature in faith, we should look more and more like our Heavenly Father as we seek to imitate Him. Our Christian lives should be marked by genuine love for others that follows the self-giving pattern of the cross. Listen to Part Two.

Kindness and Goodness (Galatians 5:22)Listen | Download MP3

What is God like? The Bible describes two aspects of His character in His dealings with mankind: that God is good and that He is kind. In this message, Alistair Begg helps us understand how a believer’s actions toward others are to reflect the character of Christ Who dwells within us. As the Holy Spirit grows His fruit within our hearts, the kindness and goodness we increasingly demonstrate will draw others toward the Gospel.

Truth and Love (2 John 1:1-3) — Listen | Download MP3

In the brief book of 2 John, the Apostle John addressed a congregation under his pastoral care, of whom the encouraging report was given that they were walking in truth. Alistair Begg helps us to define biblical truth, absolutely and objectively, as it is interwoven with the love of God in Christ. When we make the truth of the Gospel our priority, we will conduct our lives with integrity and a compelling, authentic love.

Energetic in Goodness (Titus 3:1-2)Listen | Download MP3

What is the public duty of the Christian? In Paul’s brief letter to Titus, we are reminded that God declares His children good, and His transforming power enables us to act accordingly. Alistair Begg reminds listeners that Christians should be marked by goodness. Although there are some whose verbal professions conflict with their conduct, we are called to be submissive to authority, to be in community with others, and to be courteous to all people.

The Servant King (John 13:1-20) Listen | Download MP3

You can’t get too far on social media before coming across a “selfie”—a picture one has taken of themselves and posted online for people to see. Alistair Begg directs our attention to an alternate mindset by examining the humility of Jesus. Though He was Creator, Teacher, and Master, Christ humbled Himself before His creation, His pupils, and even His betrayer. Without a show of superiority, Jesus washed His disciples’ feet, providing for us an example to follow.

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