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Blog What Does the Bible Say about Church Membership?

What Does the Bible Say about Church Membership?

Church membership is an important part of Christian discipleship. As we come together as a church, we are able to encourage each other as well as hold each other accountable. Alistair Begg examines the scriptures to see what the Bible says about belonging to a church and church membership.

Membership Matters (Romans 12:4-5) — Listen | Download MP3 | Purchase CD ($1.25)

What does the New Testament have to say about church membership? The metaphors that the Bible uses to describe the Church imply close relationships and structural order, and the Bible is clear that every believer should be committed to a local church. In this sermon Alistair Begg teaches us that our pattern of involvement in a local church should come directly from Scripture. To be meaningfully engaged in a church body requires each of us to be converted, baptized, added, and involved.

Why Join a Local Church? (Acts 20:28-31)Listen | Download MP3 | Purchase CD ($1.25)

Elders are responsible for the spiritual leadership of God's people, but how can they fulfill their duties if there are no members? Teaching from Acts 20, Alistair Begg explains why the local church is vitally important and why membership matters. We must be careful not to neglect what the early Church took for granted: that every Christian would join with others in the membership of a local congregation, united in fellowship.

Where Do I Belong in the Church? (1 Corinthians 12:12)Listen | Download MP3 | Purchase CD ($1.25)

In 1 Corinthians 12, the Apostle Paul compares the members of a church to different parts of the body. As different parts of the body have unique roles to fill, so each church member has an important function. In this sermon, Alistair Begg challenges us to consider our function, our commitment, and our fulfillment of the role that each of us is called to as members of the Christian Church.

A Call to Commitment (Romans 12:1-2) Listen | Download MP3 | Purchase CD ($1.25)

In His mercy, God redeems all who come to Him for forgiveness. He offers us this great gift not because of anything we have done, but because of what Christ accomplished on the cross. Beginning a series of studies on the Gospel’s transforming work, Alistair Begg looks to Paul’s opening entreaty in Romans 12 to discover what it means to respond to God’s extravagant grace by going “all in” for Christ.

The Church - God's Family (Ephesians 2:11-22)Listen | Download MP3 | Purchase CD ($1.25) 

Being a member of God’s household is not defined by being in a building every Sunday. Everyone that is a part of this household has been adopted by God for His glory and purpose. There are many different qualities that mark each member of God’s family. Each of these qualities enable the church to fulfill its role in a loving, harmonious, and all-encompassing way.

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