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Blog Sermons about Satan and Spiritual Warfare

Sermons about Satan and Spiritual Warfare

In today's world, the Devil is depicted as a funny little fictional character with horns and a pitchfork. But the Bible tells us that Satan is real and we are in a spiritual battle everyday.  Alistair Begg examines several Scriptures that show the true characteristics of Satan and his motives.  Download or listen to these sermons for free.  

Your Enemy the Devil (1 Peter 5:8-9) — Listen (Free) | Download MP3 (Free)

Peter warns Christians of the reality of our enemy, the devil, but he also makes us aware of how we are to respond to this threat. Alistair Begg emphasizes Peter’s warning, prompting us to actively resist the ways of the evil one. By being self-controlled and alert, we will understand the reality of spiritual warfare and be able to resist Satan’s schemes. 

The Devil and Demons (1 John 5:18)Listen | Download MP3

The great dangers in understanding the devil are overemphasizing his power and ignoring his presence completely. To help us avoid these perils, Alistair Begg leads listeners through passages in Scripture that provide a description of Satan. Most importantly, the Bible tells us that he is already defeated, that we need to resist him, and that he is limited in his power. The embodiment of evil, Satan is cunning and relentless, but by the power of the Holy Spirit we can be alert and prepared to defend against his attacks.

Spiritual Warfare (Ephesians 6:10) Listen | Download MP3

Spiritual warfare is the unseen battle that rages around and within us each day. Because of this conflict, it is necessary for Christians to have a thorough knowledge of our enemy and his cunning before we can engage in a winning fight. In Ephesians 6 Paul identified our adversary and the only means of defense against his attacks. Teaching from this chapter, Alistair Begg calls listeners to prepare for the daily struggle that we face against evil in all areas of our lives.

Kingdoms in Conflict (Mark 3:20-30) Listen | Download MP3

With the unspeakable atrocities that flood our daily news, it’s easy to wonder if God really cares and is in control. When Jesus died and rose again, He declared the ultimate and complete victory over sin, evil, and death. Alistair Begg reminds us that though the battle has been won, we live in a world where the Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness remain in conflict. We see and experience the effects. But we can be assured that Jesus has power over Satan, and He will give us His power to live victoriously until He returns.

Stand! (Ephesians 6:10-20)Listen | Download MP3

As Christ-followers, we are engaged in a real battle – a spiritual battle. The same grace that reconciles us to God antagonizes us to the enemy of our souls, the devil. Alistair Begg teaches us that our Heavenly Father does not leave us defenseless or alone. Learn how God equips and enables us to victoriously live the Christian life.

Whose Child Are You? (John 8:37-59)Listen | Download MP3

When confronted by Jesus’ claims, each of us must come to a conclusion about who He is. When Jesus confronted the religious leaders of His day, He told them that the children of God will model their Heavenly Father in attitude and behavior, just as the children of the devil will exemplify their father. As Alistair Begg walks us through some distinguishing features of the children of God, we are faced with a poignant question -- whose child am I?

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