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Blog Download (Free) - “A Study in Nehemiah, Three-Volume Set”

Download (Free) - “A Study in Nehemiah, Three-Volume Set”

When the people of Israel returned to Jerusalem after the exile, the city was run down, and its wall had been destroyed. The book of Nehemiah describes its namesake’s effort to rebuild the wall and restore God’s city. It offers an example of godly leadership that believers can learn from today. Nehemiah’s prayerful dependence on God, his devotion to the Word, and his commitment to lead Israel in repentant faith are exemplary in the biblical record.

Volume 1 - Listen (Free) | Download (Free - 181 mb)

In volume one of this series, Alistair Begg follows Nehemiah’s journey from the Persian royal court to the battered streets of Jerusalem to rebuild the wall. Nehemiah’s compassionate reaction to the city’s condition pushed him to act on his faith in God. As he led the people in a vision to give God glory through the restoration of God’s city, he confronted threats from without and within, all the while depending on God’s mercies and turning continually to prayer.

Volume 2 - Listen (Free) | Download (Free - 107 mb)

In volume two of this series, Alistair Begg examines the impact of God’s Word being proclaimed in Jerusalem. As Ezra the priest read the Law to the people, the result was confession, repentance, and praise. This account demonstrates the central place of preaching in the life of the church and the outlook that Christians should take toward it: God’s Word is good, and it is meant for our good. By God’s grace we may understand and obey it.

Volume 3 - Listen (Free) | Download (Free - 153 mb)

In the final volume of this series, Alistair Begg explains how the people’s repentance after hearing God’s Word proclaimed resulted in a commitment to godly living. As we seek to obey the Word in each aspect of our lives together, it is critical that we do so from changed hearts, not just changed behavior. We must diligently confront threats to our devotion so that we may gain honor with the one audience that matters—God Himself—even as we bring Him glory before a watching world.

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