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Blog Nearly Half of Americans Are Confused about the Truth of the Bible

Nearly Half of Americans Are Confused about the Truth of the Bible

“For we did not follow cleverly devised myths
when we made known to you the power and
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we
were eyewitnesses of his majesty.” —2 Peter 1:16

44% of Americans believe that modern science discredits the claims of Christianity. 1

In our contemporary culture, so many of our friends and colleagues dismiss the truth of the Bible without ever opening its cover and exploring its pages.

That’s why we’re so passionate at Truth For Life about teaching God’s Word, verse by verse. From the hundreds of letters and emails we receive each year, we know that many who don’t believe become believers by the power of God’s Spirit when they hear the Word taught and explained.

In 2020, we hope to reach even more people than ever before with the greatest story ever told! Your financial and prayerful partnership will help make this possible.

Will you make a needed year-end donation before the December 31, 2019 tax-deductible giving deadline?

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1) The State of American Theology, LifeWay Research 2016, Commissioned by Ligonier Ministries

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Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.