Download or listen to five sermons by Alistair Begg about trials.
Suffering for the Gospel (2 Timothy 1:8-10) — Listen | Download MP3
The Gospel of Jesus Christ can be difficult to talk about – its message may be foreign or even offensive to others. The Apostle Paul exhorted Timothy to not be ashamed but to be willing to suffer for preaching the truth, and in this message Alistair Begg explores how that relates to our lives today. Suffering for the Gospel in this way exposes our own weakness and provides an opportunity for God’s power to be displayed through us.
Footsteps in the Sea (Psalms 107:23-43) — Listen | Download MP3
When hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes or other disasters occur, we tend to think that God has fallen asleep on the job. Why would He let something like this happen? This timeless question finds its answer in God's providential and loving care. This is a God who plants His footsteps in the sea and the winds and the waves obey Him. This message was given in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, but an understanding that God has loving reasons for all such events helps us rise above the storm, setting our minds and hearts on solid ground.
Persecuted Church (2 Timothy 3:10-13) — Listen | Download MP3
Whether it is the overt hostility faced by Christians in other parts of the world or subtle clashes with our own society’s ungodly mindset, all true believers experience some form of the “persecution” about which Paul warned Timothy. Beginning with these verses from 2 Timothy 3, Alistair Begg helps us consider the practical cost of living a godly life. As we learn to think biblically, we can respond to our circumstances in a Christlike manner.
Responding to Persecution — Part One (Romans 12:14) — Listen | Download MP3
Whatever form persecution may take, it is an inevitable part of the Christian experience. In this sermon on Paul’s confounding challenge to “bless those who persecute you,” Alistair Begg introduces us to one of the most difficult responsibilities of the Christian life: meeting our enemies’ hatred with godly love. We are called, he reminds us, not to be liked by the world, but to live lives of uncompromised holiness—even if the world hates us for it.
Responding to Persecution — Part Two (Romans 12:14) — Listen | Download MP3
As unintuitive as it may seem, it is possible for us to obey Scripture’s command to meet persecution with blessing. By remembering God’s love and mercy and depending on the Holy Spirit’s power, Alistair Begg explains, we can show compassion, extend kindness, and pray for those who wish to harm us. Where our natural impulse is to seek our enemies’ destruction, God offers a better, revolutionary alternative: their salvation.
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